Friday, April 25, 2014


I just finished "Week 7" of my C25K training! That means I ran three times this week with each run being 25 minutes long (2.5 miles). Can you believe I ran 7.5 miles total for the week?!?! 

Tonight however.....proved to be a little extra challenging because.....I did most of my run in the POURING RAIN!!! 

As I have said in a previous post, I am stubborn. So, I was not going to let a little rain stop me from missing a day of running training. Especially because I am born and raised in Los Angeles and refuse to be one of "those" Southern California veterans who shuts down at the sign of "weather". I was not going to let rain....real rain....(not a Southern California "rain" that is really just sprinkling)....stop me tonight.

So, I ran.

Something I forgot to consider was how heavy my clothes and feet would become when they were completely soaked. Wow.....did it add a lot of weight to my run. For the first time in quite a while, I had some pain while running. I think due to the extra weight of soggy clothes, a soggy hat, soggy socks and shoes, soggy dog leash, being pulled by a soggy ankles hurt, my knees hurt, and my back hurt. 

I did it though. 

While I was running I began thinking about what the heck made me so stubborn about completing this run. Here is the truth. I want my kids to know that real determination is completing a goal despite less than perfect conditions. I want them to know that I don't just preach "perseverance". I live it. I want them to know I keep striving for my dreams even when things are working against me. I want them to see me living the truth that many things worth attaining will not come easily, and you have to push through during challenging times to complete anything worthwhile.

When my sweet dog and I got home from our run, I had my husband dry her off while I hopped in the shower to warm up. I was drenched from head to toe through every layer of clothing. Just for fun, I decided to ring out my socks, my hat, and my outer jacket.....just from those three items I squeezed out a 1/2 cup of water!!!

Week 7 is complete! One more week to go! It is crazy that after 3 more runs, I will be running 5K!!!

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