Friday, April 11, 2014


Yay! I finally had time to visit the Road Runner Sports store so many people have told me about, and got fitted for "real" shoes! It was funny how "high-tech" the fitting process was....

1-Strip my tootsies down naked

2-Answer questions on a computer screen about how many miles I run each week, future goals, type of socks I like to wear, etc.

3-Got my feet measured to determine their size

4-Let the sweet employee bend my toes back on some sort of shoe insert

5-Walk bare foot on a treadmill, while they filmed it

6-Analyze how I walk....(P.S. I was told I have great ankles)

7-Stand on some sort of soft pad device that analyzes my arches and where I put pressure on my feet....(P.S. I was told I am way off balance...Hahahaha....I could have told them that!) Apparently, I stand on the heal of my left foot and on the ball of my right foot.

8-Analyze the information

9-Stand on a super padded cube thing while they fit me for "special" ($70) inserts.....that I did not purchase. Just give me shoes please!

10-Summarize all of the collected data, and have me try on four pairs of shoes that best fit my feet

I am so excited about my new shoes! They feel so different from the shoes I have been running in, and I hope they will make a difference in how I feel when I run. Great shoes will help me feel 80 lbs. lighter, right?

The new shoes are giving me great hope that I might actually survive my 20 minute run tomorrow! THANK YOU to my friend and my older kids for blessing me with the money to get some great gear for my tootsies!

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