Saturday, April 12, 2014


I did it.

I jogged for a whole 20 minutes (2 miles) without stopping....without stopping!

I was nervous about this jog. In a week where my training sessions went from running 5 minutes, to 8 minutes, to.....20 minutes, I just was not sure if I could do it. I hoped. I prayed. I believed....kinda. As I said in a previous post, what I don't have in stamina, I do have in stubborness. Today....that was an asset!

I did things differently for this jog. I was trying to set myself up for success. I wore my new (extremely fabulous) shoes, I played music, and I ran with someone. That "someone" was my amazing oldest daughter, who wanted to run with me so she could encourage me. She knew I was feeling nervous about this jog, and she wanted to be with me. She was so incredibly kind and compassionate. During the run, she said things like:

"Am I running too fast Mom?"
"Is it better for you if I run behind you?"
"You are doing good Mom....You can do it."
She made it look so easy. She is built for running....long and lean, with strides like a gazelle. She is Ethiopian, and running is in her blood. She looks so graceful when she runs, smooth, strong, confident. Me?.....Not so much.  :0)

One thing I wished I had not changed was NOT bringing my dog. She is my truck and I am her trailer. She pulls me. I needed her today. It was really, really, really tough. There were a few times I really did not think I could keep going. I was fairly sure I died and was resurrected (perfect for Easter coming in a week). I think my dog would have helped pull me through the hard times, but I also know that I need to be able to run without her. I am just not sure that this was the right run to do it. However, despite all of my feelings..........I did it!!!!!!!!!!

This may sound silly, but I almost cried. When I heard the woman's voice (that I have a love/hate relationship with) on the C25K program say, "Start your cool down",  I was so dang thankful. I slowed down, caught my breath, gave my daughter a hug, whispered, "Thank you Jesus", and gave a super tacky double-fist pump while I looked at my daughter and shouted, "We did it!" It took me a few minutes to catch my breath and I appreciated the 5 minute cool down period more than I ever had previously. 


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