Monday, May 5, 2014


I was very excited to start my last week of training one week ago! I ran "Week 8, Day 1" last Sunday. On Monday morning my family left for a 4 day cruise to Mexico (our first non-camping vacation in seven years....yay!). I had dreams of finishing the last two days of training on the ship. However, with a couple of very late nights onboard, I was not able to run on the ship until Thursday. I tied my laces, turned on my C25K app, looked at the beautiful ocean view, and calculated how many laps I would need to run on the small track to equal 2-3/4 miles...."only" 28 laps!  

Getting ready to run on the ship's track

I began running, and to my extreme disappointment, about 10 minutes into my run, I began having extreme pain in my right ankle that shot up into the side of my shin and just below my knee. Now, I have run in pain before...but this was different....I could not push through it. I was so disappointed! There has not been one run I have not finished. Even though during every run I feel like I will not be able to complete it, I some how manage to keep going and finish. I was struggling with the thought of not finishing the run. My silly pride wanted to be able to say, "I completed every training session." I tried walking for a few minutes a few times and tried to start running again, but as tough and stubborn as I am, I could not take the pain. 
Trying to be tough as I run

I had to embrace the fact that this would be the first training session I would not be able to finish....and only two trainings away from being finished with the C25K program. Uggg!

So, I stopped. I was bummed.

I was so disappointed, and everything I told myself did not help my disappointment...
-"You don't want to push yourself and really get hurt."
-"You are on vacation."
-"You tried your best."
-"Of course your ankle hurts...the boat is rocking!"
-"Just do this training day over when you get home."
-"You ran 1/2. That is better than nothing."

I had to try to change my attitude and not see this as a "failure". So, I embraced the idea that I did my very best, and this time, my very best meant I did not finish the training session. I also decided that I would do "Week 8, Day 2" over again when I got home.

So, when I arrived home, I planned to run that night just to prove to myself that I could do it. However, for some crazy reason, when we got home, I was swollen. Swollen ankles. Swollen fingers. I was in no condition to run. I extended myself some grace, and did my best to wait for the swelling to go down.

So, two days after I returned home, I finally got the chance to run "Week 8, Day 2" of my C25K program...exactly one week after I ran "Week 8, Day 1". I did it! I feel redeemed. 

I am going to blame my failed first attempt on the sea.....or maybe the insane late-night buffet I had eaten at the night before. However, my set back was a set-up for a come back! "Week 8, Day 2....Take Two" was a success! One more training to go and I will be running 5K!!! Woo hoooooo!

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