Monday, March 31, 2014


At 9:21pm on Monday, March 31st.....I finished a training session that included ME running for 5 minutes straight...twice. The amazing thing?....I did not feel like I was going to die! Woo hoooooo!!!!


Wow! I woke up to an amazing email this morning! 

"Hi Heidi!
I hope this finds you well. I read your blog post re: 3 whole minutes, and cannot stop thinking about it. I did a run walk program for a 1/2 marathon about a year ago and it was hard. For me, shoes made a world of difference for my knees and hips. I don't know if you would be interested in this, but there's a store on Crenshaw called Road Runner. I went there, and they had me run on a treadmill barefoot, and cameras watch how you run. Then they recommend shoes based on how your foot tilts or where you need support...
Regardless if you go there or not, I'd also like to confidentially donate $100 toward your running shoe fund. I'm really inspired by you in so many ways, and grateful you share so much online. You deserve a great pair of shoes!! I'll bring it by tomorrow if that's a good time for you.
Have a great Monday!"

Isn't that amazing! I felt a little funny about accepting money....especially of that magnitude....but it seemed to bring my friend such joy, so I also did not feel right saying, "No." She was so happy to bless me that she brought the money over this morning! I thanked her for her incredible generosity and gave her a big hug....I wish I could do more to show her my gratitude.

To make the situation even more fabulous, my kids were all home when the friend dropped off the money. The kids were talking about how nice that was of my friend to bless me in such an incredible way. Suddenly, my two oldest kids (ages 8 and 9) disappeared...I heard some whispering...and they reappeared a few minutes later. My daughter handed me $12; My son handed me $13. They said they want to help me get good shoes too. So together, they wanted to add $25, and they took the money out of their piggy banks. How cool are they? Originally, I said, "No thank you", but they looked so disappointed, I quickly said, "Thank you", and kissed their faces off!!!!

So, it looks like I will go get shoes later this week. I won't have time to go until Friday, so I only have two runs left with my current shoes (today and Wednesday). Hopefully, the runs won't be too bad knowing good shoes are on the horizon!

THANK YOU to my friend and kiddos for your amazing support, generosity, and kindness!!!!

Saturday, March 29, 2014


So, I just finished my third week of the C25K program. Am I feeling invigorated???.....Uh, no. It is tough. My knees are sore. This week the program had me alternating jogging for 90 seconds, walking for 90 seconds, jogging for 3 minutes, walking for 3 minutes. 

Three minutes. It may not seem like much for some, but for me....with my weight....with my poor physical is an eternity! Thankfully, whatever I don't have in the "right" weight or stamina, I make up for in extreme stubbornness. 

I am hoping to be able to afford purchasing "real" running shoes in the next week or two. Prayerfully, "real" shoes will help with some of the knee pain I am dealing with.

I don't think I should have looked ahead to what my next week of C25K has in store me. I saw something that said, "...jog for 3 minutes....and....jog for 5 minutes..." I am hoping my eyes were deceiving me, and the exhaustion of finishing my last run for week 3, had me seeing things that weren't really there. 

We shall "see"....

Sunday, March 23, 2014


I just finished my second week of training using the C25K (Couch to 5K) program. I have run six times for a total of 3 hours. THAT is more than I have run since I played soccer way back in the prehistoric days.....20 years ago. I look forward to a time when I don't feel like I am going to die while running, although I have to admit the C25K program is very doable. I am thankful for a day off between each run, and for the walking portion of the run/walk repetitions during each training. I am also incredibly thankful for my running partner....who I enjoy watching run....and who tows me when I am tired. 
Me and my 55 lb. lap-dog
I am looking into some 5Ks to run in May-June and 1/2 marathons to run in the Fall. It is so strange that these things were not even on my radar a few weeks ago!

Friday, March 14, 2014


I will need to replace these soon!
I did it! I just completed my second day of training for the L.A. Marathon 2015. Why is that a big deal? Because a week ago, I wasn't even thinking about running.....or marathons. The only thought I may have had about running was...that there was no way I want to, or am able to. I am a 38 year old mother to 4 young children, 80 pounds overweight, and have not exercised regularly in 20 years, insert every excuse here_______________. I am not the epitome of a marathon runner. So, what changed? 

I saw on Facebook that several of my friends were running in the L.A. Marathon on March 9th, and remembered that on my "bucket list" is to "run a marathon before I turn 40". Well, I did some quick math and realized that I am turning 39 this year, so I need to run the L.A. Marathon next March! YIKES!

on March 9th, I bravely made my intentions public as I watched all of my friends cross the finish line. Here was my post on the social wonder, Facebook.... 

OK...L.A. Marathon have inspired me! On my "Bucket List" is to run a marathon before I turn 40. Well, in July, I am turning I NEED to run the L.A. Marathon next year. How do I go from an overweight, non-exercising "type" someone who can finish a marathon??? Exercise plans, shoes, clothes, running tips....GO!

I had 22 comments from friends on my post offering advice, encouragement, and support.

So, with the suggestion of several friends....I downloaded the "C25K" app from Zen Labs. The app literally "walks" a wanna be runner like myself from the "Couch to running a 5K". That is where I need to start. Small goals that lead to big goals.

Two days ago, on March 12th, armed with my "C25K" app, mace, and my dog....I ran for the first time in years. My poor body did not know what was happening. Here was my post on Facebook....

I did it! I survived my first day of training for the next L.A. Marathon! I am starting with a "Couch to 5K" app that tells me exactly what to do. It is very doable...but my body is definitely "telling" me that it has been a very long time since I have attempted to run. LOL! It was funny to think about my poor, pathetic self struggling to complete a 30 minute (very mild) training session....because in a year, I might still be poor and pathetic, but will be crossing the finish line after a 26 mile adventure! Woo hoooo!!!!

So there it is...the beginning of my journey to run the L.A. Marathon on March 15th, 2015. I am excited about this journey. Whenever I think about crossing the finish line I start tearing up. I just can't imagine how wonderful I will feel (emotionally, mentally, and spiritually....maybe not physically). It is going to feel fabulous to know I worked so hard for something I have always wanted. 

Feel free to follow my journey....this "Diary of a Wanna Be Marathoner".