Thursday, May 22, 2014


Sixteen days.

I finished my C25K program....(a.k.a. I ran three miles for the first time in 20 years)....16 days ago. Why does that matter? Well, because up until tonight, I had not run since "that" night. After I finished the C25K training program on May 8th, I caught "something". That something started as a general blah feeling with a tickle in the throat, then became a terrible sore throat and headache, that grew into a full on infection of some sort that needed five days of antibiotics, and ended with a nasty chest cold. YUCK!

I was not up to running for over two weeks! I tried to allow myself time to heal. However, as each day passed, I was feeling disappointed that I was somehow losing the little bit of stamina I had managed to build over the previous 8 weeks. I usually run at night, and each evening I kept thinking, "Tonight. Tonight, I will feel good enough to run." It did not happen soon enough for me. 

So, tonight, with a still lingering minor cough, I went for a run. I thought it might be wise to not push myself too hard, so I only ran for 20 minutes (2 miles)....When I look back at my earlier posts, it is funny that I just wrote "only 2 miles"....hahaha! 

It was a bit tough, but I did it! My lungs felt like they were burning a little, and I coughed up my lungs a couple of times, but it felt good to get a run in. One thing I dread...and hope does not allowing myself to go back to my previous physical state where running even three minutes seemed impossible.

I like that I can run 2-3 miles now. They are not easy miles, but I can run them. I want to keep it that way and continue to push myself further. Just as there was a time when I could not imagine running for 5 minutes, now I can't imagine running 5 miles, but I know I will get there.

So, after a 16 day set back, I am glad to be back on my "ever so slowly running" feet.

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