Wednesday, August 6, 2014


Today is Wednesday. 

This past Sunday I was so excited to begin my "Couch to 5K" program again....not excited to start over, but excited that I was finally back to feeling 100% after being sick and hurting my back. 

My two oldest kids ran with me to help celebrate the new start. The run was a bit tough, but no where near as hard as the first time I started the C25K program. I did not feel like I was going to die and I was happy! Here is a pic we took after we finished...

Yesterday, Tuesday, was Day 2 of Week 1 in the C25K program. My daughters (ages 6 and 9) wanted to run with me, so I said, "Sure"! Great bonding time, right? Well, my youngest daughter got a cramp right after the 5-minute brisk walk warm-up and we had to turn back to take her home. Bummer. 

My oldest daughter and I continued on. It was a tough run because of my stamina and the fact we ate a large dinner full of delicious Ethiopian food about an hour before the run. I thought it would be no problem though...I would just push through. Little did I know things were about to take a HUGE turn for the worse...

Just after our 1/2 way mark, we were jogging along and all of a sudden, for no apparent reason, I twisted my ankle and literally went crashing to the sidewalk. Pain. Pain. Pain shot through my ankle. For a moment I thought I had broken it. I sat up in tears and sat on the lawn of the person's house I fell in front of. I was whimpering and praying, "Oh Jesus, help me. Help me." When I fell, I managed to keep hanging on to the leash of my dog and my phone. The pain was excruciating and it took me a few moments to catch my breath and my barings. My poor daughter stood looking at me, not sure what to do. My husband and oldest son are out of town on a camping trip, so I had to call my Mom (who also lives with us) to pick me up. I did not know the name of the street we were on, so my oldest daughter ran to the corner to to get the name so I could give it to my mom. She was so composed, and while we waited for my mom to arrive she asked to pray for me....She is awesome like that.

Getting up off the ground was so difficult, but I had to do it. I was able to put some pressure on my right foot, but it was extremely painful. My mom arrived (with my youngest kids in the car) within a few minutes stressed and worried. She knew if I had to call for a ride, it had to be bad. My oldest daughter, my dog, and I got into the car and headed home. 

My mom wanted to take me to the E.R., but I refused. She wanted to call my husband, but I told her not to. He and my oldest son are having a wonderful trip and I do not want to ruin it. So, at home, my mom got me the only pair of crutches we had...a child's pair. They were not terribly helpful, but they helped me to not put quite so much pressure on my right foot while I got into the house. 

We got in, and I immediately sat on the couch (back to the couch again!) and elevated my foot. When I took off my shoe and sock, this is what I found...

It was actually worse than I thought! I spent the entire night icing my ankle. I even slept on the couch icing it. I got very little sleep, but I was doing my best to keep the ankle iced and elevated. 

At about 5am this morning, I had to get up and use the restroom.  I was able to get to the bathroom and back, using the child-sized crutches. I always wanted to be taller, but this morning, I was thankful I am only 5'2".

I took a good look at my ankle and after about 10 hours of ice, the bruising was not bad, but the ankle was still very swollen and very painful. My left knee is also very sore and scraped...I think I landed on it when I fell.

My husband and son will be home in a couple of hours (they are on the road now), and I will tell them what happened when they get home. I probably need to go it to have x-rays taken when they get home. 

I cried my eyes out when I got home last night.....not only from the pain, but from the complete and total sadness that after only 1.5 days back running, I am out of commission again for who knows how long.

I knew this journey would be tough, but I am exasperated. I am beyond frsutrated. I am doubting if I will ever get it together enough to be able to train to run a marathon. I believe at this point, L.A. Marathon 2015, is not an option. I am okay with postponing a year, but am also disappointed. At this point, it feels like evil forces are working against me. 

I will not give up though. I WILL NOT.

Pray for me, would ya?

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